Two types of Adoptions in DC and Maryland

In DC, two types of adoptions are codified in the statues.  The first type is agency adoption which can either be private or government agency adoptions.  The second type of adoptions are private adoptions which are made between one or both of the birth parents and the adoptive parents.

In Maryland, the two types of adoptions are agency and independent.  The agency adoption is arranged by a child placement agency.  The independent adoptions are made between the adoptive and birth parents.  There is also a hybrid option of the two called the “designated adoption.”  In this case, the adoptive and birth parents agree to the adoption, and the parties then work with an agency to complete the adoption process.

Public Agency Adoptions: One reason adoptive parents choose to go with a public angary adoption is because they are generally cheaper than going the private route.  For example, some adoptive parents are able to qualify for government subsidies to offset the costs of the adoption process.  The agencies also have a vast knowledge of government resources which may be available to the involved parties.  When using the agency option, birthparents are usually not involved in the process of selecting the adoptive parents.  However, a negative aspect to taking this route include the complexities of working with government agencies.

Private agency adoptions: On advantage of going with a private agency adoption is that the agency can screen the birthmother and give adoptive parents information on her mental and physical health.  The agency can also offer counseling services to the adoptive and birth parents.  It’s important to note that when using the private agency adoption route, both the birth mother and the agency can be selective when choosing the adoptive parents.  This could add time to the process, and it is possible that the child could be placed in a foster home pending the conclusion of the process.

Independent/Private adoptions: Agencies are not involved in private adoptions.  The adoptive parents will usually have direct contact with the birth mother.  If they choose, the adoptive parents and birth mother can form a relationship.  This way, information regarding the health and medical histories of the birth mother can be shared.  Birth mothers usually prefer the private adoption process.  A negative to this type of adoption is that counseling services are usually not a part of the process unless the adoptive mother seeks to have it.


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