Uncontested Divorces

Divorce is often an unexpected conclusion in a marriage that involves one or both parties deciding separation is the best decision. In the case of an uncontested divorce, both parties peacefully and mutually agree to end the marriage and this decision is executed outside of court, solely between both spouses. The objective for an uncontested divorce is to provide spouses who want to separate with a quick, straightforward, and inexpensive way to divorce. An uncontested divorce is the most positive way to approach such a disruptive and often complicated decision. When both parties can agree on general terms like assets distribution, financial responsibility, and child custody the process is simplified and undramatic unlike how most divorces are portrayed to be.
Once both spouses consent to such terms, they can create a written agreement and request the court to authorize their divorce request. By choosing to conduct an uncontested divorce, both spouses can avoid relationship strain, legal fees, and valuable time spent in a courtroom. Rather than appointing a judge to make decisions for them, spouses can form an agreement to which they commit themselves, present it to the court system, and go their separate ways with efficient closure. A court appearance is required in select states for the approval of an uncontested divorce while in other states, simply filing the agreement and sending it in for approval is acceptable. Although an uncontested divorce is intended to be a seamless approach to marital disunion, disagreements and minor complications are likely which can invite an intermediary or lawyer if necessary. Uncontested divorces may require extended negotiating between spouses or outside support to finalize their agreement.

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